Meeting Minutes, July 2024

Called to order Announcements (See Website Calendar and Newsletter) Echolink node won’t be switched this next week. ARES meeting pushed to the 27th of the month. Next month’s meeting will be the picnic at the Marion KOA, 6PM on August 13th. Club providing burgers/plates, potluck otherwise. Swap meet and buy/sell is encouraged! W0STV is doing…


Meeting Minutes, June 2024

K0SIR Gear for minimal costs at mtgBusiness started at 6:32pmTwin cities FM club and Hamfest this weekend, also in Wisconson 10mi S of LaCrosse Weds 9AM Coffee Chat at Roosters near Costco Sat 645AM Breakfast at Grandma’s Kitchen Nets – See website Treasurer’s Report: Checking:Opening Balance: $ 8,744.32CreditsDues:PayPal Dues: $ 30.00Equipment Sold:Raffle: $ 13.00IBM:United Way:Amazon:Donation: sk:KA0MIV…

Meeting Minutes, May 2024

Pat W0BM “Getting Started in CW” Drawing: Big winner ($27) Melissa KE0WNH Announcements: Med City Marathon this weekend. ARES meeting 9AM on Saturday Coffee Chat every Wednesday at Roosters North 9AM Saturday 7AM Breakfasts @ Grandma’s kitchen Committee Reports: Education/Contesting/Parks On the Air: Programs upcoming for the year. June: Field Day. POTA: June 8th, MN…

Meeting Minutes, April 2024

Meeting called to order: KF0S W0STV Metal of Commendation from Olmsted Sherriff Dept! Other Announcements: Elmers Net added back to calendar. ARES meeting not this weekend, but week after (20th April) Treasurer’s report: Report 2024-Apr Checking:Opening Balance: $ 7,434.96CreditsDues: $ 90.00PayPal Dues: $ 60.00 Raffle: $ 8.00IBM:United Way:Amazon:Donation: Silent Key $ 125.00Education:ARRL:Misc.Debits:RPU: $ 45.62Meeting FoodPaypal…

Meeting Minutes, March 2024

Starting with business meeting first for more presentation flexibility February Minutes accepted. Treasurer’s report: Checking:Opening Balance: $ 6,382.34CreditsDues: $ 90.00PayPal Dues: $ 430.00Equipment Sold: IBM $ 400.00Equipment Sold: Onalaska $ 128.00Raffle: $ 31.00United Way: $ 35.00Amazon:Donation:Education:ARRL:Misc.Debits:RPU: $ 45.92Meeting FoodPaypal charges $ 15.46Field Day:Pic-nicEquipmentTower LeaseInsuranceWeb DomainPostageClosing Balance: $ 7,434.96 Savings:Opening Balance: $ 1,824.93CreditsInterest: $ 0.07Closing Balance:…

Meeting Minutes, February 2024

Introductions… KB0GT Worked-All-States on CW! Minutes from Dec 2023 accepted, approved. Treasurer’s report: Checking:Opening Balance: $4,977.77Credits:Dues: $320.00PayPal Dues: $300.00Equipment Sold: $810.00Raffle: $37.00IBM:United Way:Amazon:Donation:Education:ARRL:Misc.Debits:RPU: $46.66Meeting Food $23.97Paypal charges $10.90Field Day:Pic-nicEquipmentTower LeaseInsuranceInsuranceWeb DomainPostageMisc.Closing Balance: $6,363.24 Savings:Opening Balance: $1,824.79CreditsInterest: $0.07Closing Balance: $1,824.86 Total: $8,188.10 2 CDs $4000.00 each Mature August 2024 $8,000.00 Technical Committee: Meeting on Feb 12th,…

Meeting Minutes, December 2023

Meeting Called 7:50 VP Report: January meeting / Christmas party Secretary Report: Minutes received, approved. Treasurer’s report: Checking:Opening Balance: $ 4,386.21CreditsDues: $ 120.00PayPal Dues: $ 100.00Equipment Sold: $ 340.00Raffle: $ 41.00IBM:United Way: $ 145.00Amazon:Donation: $ 40.00Education:ARRL:Misc.Debits:RPU: $ 46.27Meeting Food $ 19.98Paypal charges $ 3.47Field Day:Pic-nicEquipmentTower LeaseInsuranceWeb DomainPostageMisc. 125 live $ 124.72Closing Balance: $ 4,977.77 Savings:Opening…

Meeting Minutes, November 2023

VP: WB0RSJ report, December program – AA0CN antenna analyzer Secretary’s report: Accepted and approved (W0STV/K0VH) Treasurer’s report: Checking:Opening Balance: $ 4,613.71CreditsDues: $ 40.00PayPal Dues: $ 90.00Equipment Sold: $ 150.00Raffle: $ 10.00IBM:United Way:Amazon:Donation: $ 10.00Education:ARRL:Misc.Debits:RPU: $ 47.26Meeting Food $ 19.97Paypal charges $ 3.27Field Day:Pic-nicEquipmentTower LeaseInsurance Equipment $ 294.92Web DomainPostageMisc. Zoom $ 162.08Closing Balance: $ 4,386.21 Savings:Opening…

Meeting Minutes, October 2023

Program: Mel KC0P/Rover on 10GHz and Winter Antennas Business meeting started 7:30pm General announcement: Randall Trapp passed away. Program for November: Pat Cahill CW Academy in November Looking for December program; AA0CN SWR Analyzer Program Secretary’s report: September minutes posted, accepted Treasurer’s report: Received. CD’s purchased (2x$4000) Checking:Opening Balance: $ 4,626.51CreditsDues:PayPal Dues: $ 40.00Equipment Sold:Raffle:…

Meeting Minutes, September 2023

Meeting Started, Program: 10 Worst Antennas by RatPac Radio Raffle drawing: W0STV wins, donates to club. VP Report Taylor; Mel 1296MHz and above in October. September and December are tentative. Secretary’s report: Previous meeting’s notes: Accepted Treasurer’s Report: Checking:Opening Balance: $ 4,284.79CreditsDues:PayPal Dues:Equipment Sold: $ 618.00Raffle:IBM:United Way:Amazon:Donation:Education:ARRL:Misc.Debits:RPU: $ 48.35Meeting FoodPaypal chargesTower ClimberField DayPicnic KOA $…