Meeting Minutes, July 2024
Called to order
Announcements (See Website Calendar and Newsletter)
Echolink node won’t be switched this next week.
ARES meeting pushed to the 27th of the month.
Next month’s meeting will be the picnic at the Marion KOA, 6PM on August 13th. Club providing burgers/plates, potluck otherwise. Swap meet and buy/sell is encouraged!
W0STV is doing APRS beacons while in Alaska (Where’s Wiebke) 3PM AK time
No program for August (picnic)
Secretary’s report: Minutes posted, moved and approved.
Treasurer’s report:
Opening Balance: $ 8,694.07
Dues: $ 60.00
PayPal Dues:
Equipment Sold:
Raffle: $ 25.00
United Way:
RPU: $ 45.47
Meeting Food
Paypal charges
Field Day:
Equipment Router $ 54.05
Tower Lease
Web Domain
Misc. Checks $ 84.05
Closing Balance: $ 8,595.50
Opening Balance: $ 1,825.22
Interest: $ 0.06
Closing Balance: $ 1,825.28
Total: $ 10,420.78
2 CDs $4000.00 each Mature August 2024 $8,000.00
Drawing. 3 winners.
Meeting moved to July 27th
Scheels Healthy Human Race, needs shirt sizes, register on RARC website or to
Tech Committee KF0S
6 attendees at last night’s meeting.
Mayo site meeting set up.
Fusion repeater + DSL line was fixed before meeting: Does it work? Room might have issues, but it seems to be fine now.
What to do about upgrading the one computer?
DSTAR – nothing new
820 repeater did not stay on the air during last power outage. Plan to replace backup battery at that site.
Nothing new on the 255 repeater.
W0MXW Renewal next spring.
New router in the EOC. HF radio needs to be put back from CW to Digital operation.
Some discussion on the website. Mark is covering 125Live education.
Insurance is due in October, new carrier that we are setting up with (need inventory).
If you have anything that belongs to the club, contact KF0S at
Contesting K4IU
QST shows Mel KC0P in top 10 and winner of Dakota Division VHF contest!
International Amateur Radio Union contest (CW+Phone) event this weekend.
Education: K0VH
See Website. Maple Grove has classes, see other items also!
JM Radio Club: KE0WNH
Classes start next month!
Field Day WB0RSJ:
Truncated Field Day due to EOC activation and weather. Winona did the same thing as we did.
Scores are upcoming, need to be merged. CW and SSB did well. Mel turned in ~300pts! Lots of other paper-based bonuses, etc. Dennis was safety officer, other activities counting for points. Must be in by the 23rd, expect end-of-week. Need controller for tower (it was in Winona).
Old Business:
Most already discussed.
New Business:
Insurance: taking inventory, send Eric KF0S and email!
CD from bank – Revisiting in a month, possibly other opportunities.
WU3L: New hams are doing great! Elmers Net is a good help. Consider equipment donations to newcomers, help declutter your basements and get stuff into the hands of people who would use it!
Meeting closed 8:25pm