Meeting Minutes, October 2023
Program: Mel KC0P/Rover on 10GHz and Winter Antennas
Business meeting started 7:30pm
General announcement: Randall Trapp passed away.
Program for November: Pat Cahill CW Academy in November
Looking for December program; AA0CN SWR Analyzer Program
Secretary’s report: September minutes posted, accepted
Treasurer’s report: Received. CD’s purchased (2x$4000)
Opening Balance: $ 4,626.51
PayPal Dues: $ 40.00
Equipment Sold:
Raffle: $ 12.00
United Way:
Donation: $ 12.00
RPU: $ 51.54
Meeting Food $ 23.97
Paypal charges $ 1.29
Field Day:
Tower Lease
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 4,613.71
Opening Balance: $ 9,824.44
Interest: $ 0.21
2 CDs $ 8,000.00
Closing Balance: $ 1,824.65
Total: $ 6,438.36
2 CDs $4000.00 each Mature August 2024 $8,000.00
Technical Committee’s report, KF0S
Meeting 10/9/2023
- W0IBM equitment: Spreadsheet created, prices in discussion. Most of equipment is at FS#2 EOC. Antennas ready to come down.
- November 21st Spring Valley Hamfest coming up, might be able to sell some W0IBM equpment
- Fusion repeater: Needed reboot of PC. Pat and Eric are working on the PC improvements.
- DSTAR repeater – nothing new. Plan is to get up there this month to install Gateway server.
- Mayo Repeater; Looking into where the Internet connection actually comes from (Osmond vs Mayo). Investigating. Considering 5G hotspot for internet. $264 for HW, 2Gb for $10/month (on Autopay). Static vs Dynamic IPs? DSL has Static IP. Only need static if hosting a room. Otherwise dynamic is ok.
- Taylor is investigating Mayo badge access to Mayo repeater site.
- 820 repeater – nothing new, all ok
- 255 repeater – Washington County had intermittent issues. Currently not well set up for outside of county use.
- 125Live: Antennas are assembled on roof. Working on getting mast, and radials made.
- Rochester EOC – Winlink on laptops should be set up.
- Website – nothing.
- ZOOM renewal came due – paid for another year.
- Equipment insurance renewal coming due in November
- Need control operators for the two digital repeaters.
Public Service: Nothing for remainder of 2023
Contesting: This Saturday, eclipse QSO party. Nothing much else coming up of note. “HamSciEclipse”
KE0WNH John Marshal clubs more student run. List of things to do this year, large list! Soldering, make a radio, build a DX antenna, make dx contacts, listen to ISS, RDF antennas, skill practice for license, school roundup in spring, get radio shack set up. There’s a volunteer signup on RPS website. Wednesdays 3:30-5PM melissa.ke0wnh at
K0VH: Maple Grove Radio Club with Technician class. Working with 125Live!. General class is going to be available by Winona club.
Pushing for Digital, working to improve capabilities to our served agencies.
Melanie with Red Cross, looking for involvement. MOUs with shelters, no activities getting set up (except national events).
Gary Peterson Tailgate fest: Starts at 8am on 21st. Farmer’s drive, see email and talkin frequency.
Letter: No minimum age requirement for RARC membership.
Pro-rating dues: Dollar-per-month (yearly dues / 12 months).
KF0S: Motion to restructure the dues such that:
- Pro-rated dues for the months where we reduce the dues by 10%. normal dues (only normal people), 10% less per month through the rest of the year. If paid in December, full through the next year
- Youth Membership: $10, and same pro-rate schedule of 10% off per month.
The above proposal to be voted on in the November business meeting. Waldimar KE0SHQ seconded.
Nominating Committee: Steve W0STV will be passing off President and Taylor will be passing off VP to new candidates. Notify of interest, need nominating committee: KE0WNH, K0VH, AA0CN, N0MGY will be nominating committee. Looking for President and VP roles.
Roosters North: Wednesday 9AM coffee chat.
ARRL convention this weekend – good programs. 10/14/2023.
End of Meeting.