
The following amateur radio repeater facilities are located in Olmsted county near Rochester, Minnesota. Repeaters using the call sign WØMXW are owned and operated by the Rochester Amateur Radio Club.

Analog Voice Repeaters

CallOutput (MHz)Input (MHz)Access ToneModeLocation/Coverage/Purpose
KDØEBO147.255(+)147.855100.0 HzFMLocation: East of Rochester
Coverage: Olmsted County, Southeast Minnesota
Purpose: Primary Skywarn and ARES
WØMXW146.625(-)146.025100.0 HzFMLocation: Downtown Rochester
Coverage: Central Rochester
Purpose: General use, secondary ARES
WØMXW146.820(-)146.220100.0 HzFMLocation: West of Rochester
Coverage:Olmsted County, Southeast Minnesota
Purpose: General use, secondary ARES

Digital / Dual Mode Voice Repeaters

CallOutput (MHz)Input (MHz)Access ToneModeLocation/Coverage/Purpose
WØMXW port B443.850(+)448.850none (DV)
100.0 Hz (FM)
Location: Downtown Rochester
Coverage: Olmsted County
Purpose: General use, digital ARES
WØMXW146.625(-)146.025100.0 Hz (FM)Fusion
Location: Downtown Rochester
Coverage: Downtown Rochester
Purpose: General use
Supports Wires-X digital, analog FM local

APRS Digipeaters

CallOutput (MHz)Input (MHz)Access ToneModeLocation/Coverage/Purpose
WØMXW144.390144.390noneAPRSLocation: Southern Olmsted County
Coverage: Olmsted County, Southeast Minnesota
Please use a mobile path of ‘WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2’


  • All RARC repeaters use the club call sign WØMXW. The WØMXW trustee is Gil Baron, WØMN.
  • Other repeaters listed on this page are owned by their respective call signs and are listed here for convenience.  The add, remove, or change a repeater on this list, please contact the RARC Technical Committee.

KDØEBO 147.255 MHz FM Repeater

The KDØEBO147.255 MHz repeater is owned and operated by Olmsted County Emergency Services. The repeater is located east of Rochester atop a 300 ft. tower east of Century High School in northeast Rochester. The repeater transmitter output is 100 watts.

This is the primary Skywarn and ARES repeater for Olmsted County due to the wide coverage area provided by this repeater.

WØMXW 146.82 MHz FM Repeater

The WØMXW 146.82 MHz repeater is owned and operated by the RARC club and provides reliable amateur radio communications for a wide area including Rochester, Olmsted county and southeast Minnesota area. The repeater is located at an elevated site approximately two miles west of the center of Rochester and uses an inverted antenna at a height of 275 feet AGL on a tower that is 1204 feet AMSL.

In August, 2003, the RARC club purchased a new Advanced Communication Systems KRP 5000 Repeater with the following features: CAT 1000 Controller, ED 1000 Windows Editor for the CAT 1000, DR-1000B Digital Voice Recorder, DL-1000 Audio Delay Board and CTCSS Board. The new repeater is currently in operation with a transmitter output power of approximately 100 watts.

This is the primary social repeater for Rochester.

Repeater User Functions

The following user functions are available on the WØMXW 146.82 repeater. Each user function is activated by keying a 3 digit DTMF tone control code on a 2 meter radio operating on the 146.82 repeater frequency.

Repeater User FunctionCodeDescription
Time400Announces current time.
Echo725*Echo function allows user to record and play back a sample of received audio of up to 7 seconds. Enter the 725 control code followed by a “*” key. Release your PTT key following the “*” key. You will then hear the repeater say “Start test now.” Key your PTT and begin speaking for up to 7 seconds. When your transmitter PTT switch is released, the repeater will beep and then play back the test audio message.
DTMF Keypad Test375To test your radio DTMF tone keypad, press your PTT on your transmitter and press the DTMF buttons or keys that you wish to test. Release your PTT and the repeater will read back, in audio voice, all of the keys that were decoded.
Current Temperature70030The current outside temperature at the repeater site will be provided by the repeater in an audio voice.
Maximum and Minimum Temperatures For The Day70032The maximum and minimum outside temperatures for the day at the repeater site will be provided by the repeater in an audio voice.

Please enter the repeater user function control codes slowly and carefully.

If there are any problems using the repeater user functions or if the repeater does not appear to be operating correctly, please contact John, NØHZN.

WØMXW 146.625 MHz Fusion Repeater

The WØMXW 146.625 Mhz, owned by the RARC club, is located on the top of a Mayo Clinic building in downtown Rochester. At a height of 290 feet AGL, the repeater provides excellent coverage of central Rochester.

In December, 2003, the RARC club purchased a new Advanced Communication Systems KRP 5000 Repeater with the following features: CAT 1000 Controller, ED 1000 Windows Editor for the CAT 1000, DR-1000B Digital Voice Recorder, DL-1000 Audio Delay Board and CTCSS Board. A new antenna and feedline was also installed on top of the Mayo Clinic building. The new repeater is currently in operation with a transmitter output power of approximately 100 watts.

In August 2020, the RARC club purchased a new Yaesu DR-2X Fusion repeater. The repeater outputs to an amplifier with transmitter output power of approximately 100 watts. The new repeater is connected to Wires-X on the digital side allowing connectivity to Wires-X digital rooms.

WØMXW 443.850 MHz D-Star Repeater

The WØMXW D-Star repeater, owned by the RARC club, is located at the top of the Mayo Clinic next to the 146.625 repeater.  It supports D-Star digital voice, slow speed data, and DPRS.  Analog FM voice cannot be used with this repeater.

The repeater offers both local digital and connection to talk groups, called Reflectors, through an internet gateway.  Ham radio operators with D-Star equipment can use the local repeater function, but in order to use the gateway and talk on the Reflectors, it is necessary to register with the D-Star system.  This registration helps to ensure that only ham radio operators are using the gateway.

D-PRS information is routed to the internet and out on 144.390 as well.

For Registration, see here:

Global online D-star repeater directory:

Dstar Status

D-Star Map: 

WØMXW APRS Digital Repeater

The WØMXW digipeater, owned by the RARC club, is located in southern Olmsted County.

This page is the responsibility of the RARC Technical Committee.