Meeting Minutes, November 2023

VP: WB0RSJ report, December program – AA0CN antenna analyzer

Secretary’s report: Accepted and approved (W0STV/K0VH)

Treasurer’s report:

Opening Balance: $ 4,613.71
Dues: $ 40.00
PayPal Dues: $ 90.00
Equipment Sold: $ 150.00
Raffle: $ 10.00
United Way:
Donation: $ 10.00
RPU: $ 47.26
Meeting Food $ 19.97
Paypal charges $ 3.27
Field Day:
Tower Lease
Insurance Equipment $ 294.92
Web Domain
Misc. Zoom $ 162.08
Closing Balance: $ 4,386.21

Opening Balance: $ 1,824.65
Interest: $ 0.07
Closing Balance: $ 1,824.72

Total: $ 6,210.93


Technical (KF0S):

W0IBM all in Rochester EOC. Some sold, some antennas left at IBM.

Fusion repeater (need passcode)

DSTAR repeater not serviced this month. Need to figure out internet. Mayo site needs access. Talking with Ryan Stockman about network/internet.

820 repeater: checking on batteries.

255 is fine.

EOC computers: Getting winlink/vara set up.

Control operators updated to KF0S for Fusion and DSTAR repeaters (Added Analog to registration)

125Live, SignalLink W0MN from Gil.

Public Service: Nothing lined up yet

Contesting: K4IU Field Day, VHF results are all up. 160M contest coming up. 4 weeks from now, 10M contest (10m has been open!)

POTA: K0GMK, not doing much POTA as it gets colder. Digital; working FT8 and FT4, 10m open again! N0SPN; NorthDakota parks activation, lots of need for ND stations!

JM Radio Club: Students interested, writing article for Hamster, finishing up soldering projects. Moving forward

Education Dave K0VH; Not much new, linking up with Maple Grove Twin Cities ZOOM


Dec 2nd is Skywarn Appreciation Day (can work NOAA radio stations, food provided)

ARES meeting this Saturday, 9AM 11/18

125Live! Everything is hooked up. 1:1 on VHF antenna, HF showing 3:1 and worse. Likely lots of metal interference. Cabinet secure.

VE Test coming up this Thursday at Red Cross building. Bob Dubke is stepping down as VE coordinator.

Dues: pay them!

New Preamble – Still fixing things. latest is on there now. Digital Nodes: W0STV-10 is 145.710 Vara, 145.010 W0STV-1 as packet.

Scheels shirts (for anyone who participated but didn’t get a shirt)

9AM Wednesdays at Roosters’ coffee. Breakfast 7AM at Grandma’s

Club Dues;

  1. Pro-rated dues for the last 10 months where we reduce the dues by 10% (jan -100% feb 100%, march 90%, april 80%, etc.) for normal dues (only normal people), 10% less per month through the rest of the year. If paid in December, full through the next year. New memberships only.
  2. Youth Membership: $10, and same pro-rate schedule of 10% off per month after February.

KF0S moved, KE0SHQ seconded, so moved and approved.

Nominating Committee: Nobody for President / VP so far. VP could have committee for programs.

January/Christmas Party: A few locations, Forager and Victorias are options.

W0STV as Member-At-Large position.

Drawing and meeting close, 8:29pm