Meeting Minutes, September 2023

Meeting Started,

Program: 10 Worst Antennas by RatPac Radio

Raffle drawing: W0STV wins, donates to club.

VP Report Taylor; Mel 1296MHz and above in October. September and December are tentative.

Secretary’s report: Previous meeting’s notes: Accepted

Treasurer’s Report:

Opening Balance: $ 4,284.79
PayPal Dues:
Equipment Sold: $ 618.00
United Way:
RPU: $ 48.35
Meeting Food
Paypal charges
Tower Climber
Field Day
Picnic KOA $ 50.00
Picnic Food $ 130.22
Web Domain
Misc. Hamfest Tables $ 30.00
Misc. Name Tags $ 17.71
Closing Balance: $ 4,626.51

Opening Balance: $ 9,824.03
Interest: $ 0.41
Closing Balance: $ 9,824.44

Total: $ 14,450.95

Idea: CD for more interest. 4.75% interest for 11 months. Must have min $500 in our savings account. Motion to move Savings to CD approved.

Technical Committee

W0IBM station getting shut down. IBM people can donate the equipment to RARC. Stuff must be physically moved. We need to do this by end of September. List of equipment and pictures to be posted. 3 HF stations, some VHF and higher. Several amps, power supplies, packet stuff. Storage might be an issue, we might be able to store it at the Rochester EOC. Watch the next Hamster. Antennas also, TBD. Towers perhaps (tilt-over tower).

Mayo Repeater Site: Access has been poor/getting worse. John Scott is the only one with a key, he is retiring. Taylor is working on getting access.

Fusion Repeater: Audio issue. May need reboot

125Live shack: September 26th or 28th for 125Live antenna assembly work on gravel flat roof. 1PM tentative. Contact Steve W0STV. See email.

Public Service: Medtronics Twin City Marathon, October 1st. Need 108 spots filled. See Website

Contesting: Mel KC0P(Rover) September VHF contest, worked out well. 4 different setups.

Education: Dave K0VH: Go look at Website (thanks Pat!) Education and Get License tab. Working out a deal with Maple Grove club. General class starts up on October 9th. Technician class starts in February.

John Marshall Club: Melissa KE0WNH: Looking to advertise with flyers in school. Next Wednesday, 3:30-4:30pm after school. Rebuild still ongoing.

Webmasters: New Education page (Pat / Taylor)

ARES: October Radio Club meeting night, open house here at FireStation. Get here early!

ARES Trailer: Portable AC for ARES trailer. Purchased, still dialing in. Purchased dorm-sized refrigerator.

Olmsted EOC: New St. Bridges Road facility. 10 LMR and 2 CAT cables to the roof. Rotor Control wires would be good to add. Starting Spring 2025 through Fall 2026 (operational)

W0MXW yahoo email (checkins and reports are encouraged on this email!)

ARES meeting moved to September 30th for this month.

Nominating Committee: Looking for President and VP replacements. Looking for Chairmanship.

Meeting adjourned