Membership is open to all licensed amateurs, and to all other persons interested in supporting the purposes and activities of the club. There is no age limit for membership, amateur radio operators and interested individuals of all ages are welcome! Our club functions on a minimal budget which is used to support our activities, including Field Day, the club picnic, Christmas party, and other various events. Additionally the equipment and repeaters we all use are supported by our dues. Thank you in advance for your contribution and involvement!

Dues for Individual Members are $30 annually, and Family Memberships are $40 annually.

We are trying to keep our records up to date.

In order for us to keep the most up to date information in our member database, we ask that once a year you fill out STEP 1 below so we can keep our records current. Especially if are currently a member.

If you are joining the club, we ask that you Fill out STEP 1, and then proceed to STEP 2 to pay your dues. You can also pay by check and mail it in, just make sure to fill out STEP 1.

Step 1: Fill out the online membership form

Step 2: Pay your dues

Call sign(s)

Snail Mail method:

Fill out the Membership Application form and submit to the secretary of the club at the next RARC meeting, by e-mail, or by snail mail (with a check please) to:
P.O. Box 1
Rochester, MN 55903