WØMXW 146.82 MHz FM Repeater

The WØMXW 146.82 MHz repeater is owned and operated by the RARC club and provides reliable amateur radio communications for a wide area including Rochester, Olmsted county and southeast Minnesota area. The repeater is located at an elevated site approximately two miles west of the center of Rochester and uses a hair-pin style commercial VHF…

147.255 MHz FM Repeater

The WØEAS 147.255 MHz repeater is owned and operated by Olmsted County Emergency Services. The repeater is located east of Rochester atop a 300 ft. tower east of Century High School in northeast Rochester. The repeater transmitter output is 100 watts. This is the primary Skywarn and ARES repeater for Olmsted County due to the…


Olmsted County Emergency Services Nets

An ARES net is activated when threatening situations warrant as determined by the National Weather Service in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, or by the Olmsted County or Rochester Emergency Operations Centers. Skywan nets are directed nets and all communications is controlled by the net control station (NCS) using net procedures. Contact Steve Wiebke (W0STV), for more information on becoming a…


The Rochester Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (RARC) is an ARRL affiliated and located in Rochester, Minnesota. The Club’s mission is to: advance general interest and knowledge of amateur radio, promote cooperation and exchange information between members, conduct club programs, and provide public service support for community activities. The Club is a Minnesota non-profit corporation and has 501(c)(3) tax exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service.

Monthly Meeting – January 9, 2019 – Mobile Apps in Ham Radio

Meeting Material Meeting Presentation by KC0NPF Android APRS Supports APRS-IS (internate based) and RF via bluetooth TNC such as the Mobilinkd offering. https://aprsdroid.org/download/APRSdroid-1.5.0.apk https://aprsdroid.org/passcode/ iPhone APRS offering https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/aprs-pro-deluxe/ Echolink Mobile http://www.echolink.org/validation/ Minimal setup to join echolink. The Rochester146.625 has an Echolink node!