Meeting Minutes, May 2019

Meeting started 6:30PMTreasurer’s report:Checking: Opening Balance: $ 11,550.03 Credits Dues: $ 150.00 PayPal Dues: $ 320.00 United Way: Raffle: $ 14.00 IBM: $ 4.40 Amazon: $ 36.18 Donation: $ 100.00 Debits: Meeting Food $ 18.84 Paypal charges $ 18.74 Repeater repair $ 12.07 RPU $ 50.48 Closing Balance: $ 12,074.48 Savings: Opening Balance: $ 4,820.61…

Meeting Minutes, April 2019

8:34pm : Meeting called to orderPre-annoucnement, Gary Peterson: Driveway Swapfest in May/June?Treasurer’s report:Checking: Opening Balance: $ 11,343.50 Credits Dues: $ 40.00 PayPal Dues: $ 240.00 United Way: Raffle: $ 9.00 IBM: $ 2.20 Amazon: Donation: Debits: Meeting Food $ 34.41 RPU $ 50.26 Closing Balance: $ 11,550.03 Savings: Opening Balance: $ 4,820.57 Credits Interest: $…

RARC Meeting April 8th 2019

TODO: Meeting Notes for April 8th! Treasurer’s Report 2019-04 Checking: Opening Balance: $ 11,343.50 Credits Dues: $ 40.00 PayPal Dues: $ 240.00 United Way: Raffle: $ 9.00 IBM: $ 2.20 Amazon: Donation: Debits: Meeting Food $ 34.41 RPU $ 50.26 Closing Balance: $ 11,550.03 Savings: Opening Balance: $ 4,820.57 Credits Interest: $ 0.04 Closing Balance:…

RARC Meeting, March 12th, 2019

8:36: meeting called K0SIR Bob. 27 in attendanceTreasurer’s report: Checking: Opening Balance: $11,137.34  Credits Dues: $250.00  PayPal Dues: United Way: $ 90.00  Raffle: $  6.00  IBM: $  8.80  Amazon: $ 28.25  Donation: Debits: Web Domain $125.80  RPU $ 51.09  Closing Balance: $11,343.50  Savings: Opening Balance: $ 4,820.54  Credits Interest: $  0.03  Closing Balance: $ 4,820.57  Total: $16,164.07  Expenses for meeting food: Allocate $60 per mtg, passed.EOC manager welcoming, clean up after yourself and inform about spills.Proposal…

RARC Meeting Feb 12th 2019

Checking: Opening Balance: $ 10,426.45 Credits Dues: $ 300.00 PayPal Dues: $ 540.60 United Way: Raffle: $ 18.00 IBM: $ 2.20 Amazon: Donation: Debits: Printer $ 100.00 RPU $ 49.91 Closing Balance: $ 11,137.34 Savings: Opening Balance: $ 4,820.51 Credits Interest: $ 0.03 Closing Balance: $ 4,820.54 Total: $ 15,957.88 17 in attendance. John Scott…