Meeting Minutes, December 2022

Meeting called to order: 6:32PM

Meeting minutes for November posted, Accepted

Treasurer’s Report: Received and accepted:

Report  2022-Dec    

Opening Balance: $ 1,969.75
Dues: $ 60.00
PayPal Dues: $ 290.00
United Way:
Amazon: $ 28.91
RPU: $ 48.69
Meeting Food $ 26.98
Paypal charges $ 10.21
Field Day:
Misc Gift $ 30.00
Tower Lease
Web Domain
Closing Balance: $ 2,232.78

Opening Balance: $ 9,822.51
Interest: $ 0.08
Closing Balance: $ 9,822.59

Total: $ 12,055.37

Technical Committee: 5 attendees

DSTAR: Still working on internet connection

255 Repeater: Nothing new. Wait for 2023

820 Repeater: Battery Serviced

625: Nothing mentioned

Laptops: Used for SET. May be short if laptops need to be sent to field.

Could use UPS power, may want more desktops.

125Live: Coax probably not run, some antennas mounted.

Drone sale: Price negotiation, looking for buyer!

Motorola Repeater vs Kenwood, not going to get KW repeater. Keep Motorola and Duplexers. W0STV would like to purchase for his trailer.

Second duplexer set; KA0MYG may have another repeater that could be used in ARES trailer.

Public Service: Unknown at this time (winter)

Contesting K4IU: Ten meter contest went well. Send logs in! Canadian QSO party on December 17th. Straight Key Night on New Year’s Eve.

Field Day: Taylor. 2023 is coming up! Would like to start getting a group together to coordinate. Looking at alternate sites, taking ideas.

ARES: SET in November, operated in conjunction with EOC, Red Cross activation. Lots to build on!

This Saturday is ARES meeting, 9AM at EOC room. “Ribbit” is the word.

Old Business: 125Live – Everything is there, just waiting to get everything set up.

Early spring completion is the hope.

Drone: Plan to sell by January 10th meeting. Contact KF0S.

Webmasters: Pat/Taylor discussing reworks. Note discrepancies / suggestions to them.

New Business:

Christmas Party: Need to make decision (See Newsletter)

$30/plate, $24/plate, $15 menu item. $24/plate decided on by group.

Motorola Repeater: Can’t trade for the Kenwood one. Club is selling to W0STV for $500.

Introductions, closing meeting 7PM

Election for Vice President: KA0RTM and WB0RSJ candidates. Taylor WB0RSJ won vote.

Announcement: N0SPN Dodge County: Spent most of the summer working with son to get Kasson brewery started, running great. Been enjoying POTA. Trying Beer On The Air! Installing 20m/40m and VHF/UHF antenna. Corner with plugins, USB, and sockets for VHF and HF! Should be ready February/March.

Program: NanoVNA use of , Mel KC0P